Saturday, 29 September 2012


So everyone is in love with middies right? I know I am. 
There is only one word to describe it. Gorgeous.
Comment if you have one, I'm pretty sure most of you have or want!

sorry i'm always wearing creepers:$ i do love them. can you tell?
Middy Skirt- topshop
Floral Jacket- river island
Vest Top- M&S
Cameo Necklace- bridgenorth market 
Creepers- ebay
Socks- primark


  1. Love the floral jacket, so pretty :) You look lovely. Thank you very much for the comment, am happy you enjoy my blog :) Thanks for following, I would follow back if you had a follow button, I tried your facebook page, but the link didn't work either :/ Sometimes that happens on blogger. Whenever it works or gets fixed, let me know & I'll follow you back on here and facebook xx :)
